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Review: Adorama闪点CL-1300 LED Panel Light

Adorama's Flashpoint 1300 LED Panel light is powerful, 灵活的 and well-featured as a standalone light and can be easily integrated into two- and four-light panels should the need arise.

如果你想找个灯拍视频的话, 制作网络研讨会和其他通用用途, you should definitely consider LED lighting as a category. LED灯运行凉爽,提供一个漂亮的,柔和的光. 价格急剧下降。, 构建质量得到改善, and the small form factor delivers convenience and usability that compact fluorescent softboxes (CFL) just can’t match.

If you’re sold on the LED category, you should strongly consider the Flashpoint CL-1300 LED Panel Light from Adorama ($409 after $40 instant rebate), 这很强大, 灵活的, and well-featured as a standalone light and can be easily integrated into two- and four-light panels should the need arise.


Adorama ships the panel light with a portable case (下面的图1)和电源,但没有支架. Unlike softboxes, setup is a breeze, you just take the unit out of the case and pop it on a stand. You can run off AC power, or with a V-lock battery (not supplied). 该设备重约7磅, 包括电源, 它的宽度略小于2英寸, 所以即使在狭小的空间里也很容易部署.

图1. The unit comes with a shoulder carrying case and is exceptionally portable.

The CL-1300 is named for the 1296 LED lamps contained in its 1'x1' array (下面的图2). 我之前用过500盏灯, 一般感觉贫血, producing a little less light than the five CFL softboxes that I’ve used for the last few years. 有1296盏灯, the CL-1300 produces more than twice as much light as these softboxes, which should translate to a much greater throw distance than the 500 lamp units I’ve worked with previously.

图2. The unit is about 1’x1’x2” with slots for a diffuser (not shown) and 3200k gel.

The unit I tested was rated at 5600 color temperature and comes with two color filters: one a diffuser to smooth the multiple shadow effect sometimes experienced with LED lights, and the other to convert the color temperature to 3200k. The light fixture comes with slots for both, so you can use them both at the same time.

A slider on the back of the unit controls lighting intensity, which you can reduce to as little as 10% of power (下面的图3). This is a nice feature that makes the light usable for a range of shoots, 从用网络摄像头聊天到正式面试. 还有一个 可选有线遥控器 for $24 that connects to the unit’s RG45 jack, though it’s only 5' long.

图3. The back of the unit features the intensity slider, 电池连接, 开/关开关, power in and out and screw holes to integrate the light into a multi-unit panel.

If you're looking for a tripod for tracking high-motion events and have only $150 to spend, 你应该看看Adorama 3Pod V2AH.
With only 250 incandescent or daylight-balanced lights, the Adorama Flashpoint 500C feels like a niche product suitable primarily for producers who need to support both incandescent and daylight-balanced light in single light. Given the improved mounting options and fit and finish, 1月时 reports that he'd buy it in a heartbeat if it offered all daylight-balanced bulbs.
All of the items Adorama's Flashpoint product line are priced in the $200-$400 range, 但就质量而言,它们非常好. They're not the most refined and precision instruments available, 但是他们完成了工作, 这个7英寸的, 1280x800分辨率液晶显示器, 哪些标价400美元, 也不例外.
In this review we're going to look at the Adorama Flashpoint line of Cinema DSLR Gear. We're going to start off with a broadly compatible and modular system including the Mattebox, 肩装, 和后续焦点, and finish off (in a separate review) with Adorama's 7-inch LCD monitor.
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